Have you ever spent one-minute thinking about it? Ya know, Veteran’s Day?
#PMCEquipment has, and would like to thank our veterans who assemble our #madeintheusa #onshore entirely constructed and produce PMC #sprayfoaminsulation, #foamroofing and #coatingsequipment line!
The PMC reliable, robust series is manufactured in our Lakewood, NJ facility
At some point, a #PMC military veteran has assisted with your order’s assembly, parts, and production. Would you please take a moment and honor them and others within our organization, industry and the United States of America? A simple like, share or comment will do!
PMC would like to take a moment and give thanks to our military veteran team:

Does your organization have any military veterans? #PMCEquipment thanks all of our military: past, present and future! Thank you all for your service.
Thank a veteran today and every day!